I dunno about Scott Brown. He starts out his online position statement on health care with "I believe that all Americans deserve health care coverage...." It makes me nervous since his record in Massachusetts indicates he will opt for government sponsored health care. From the position statement, "In Massachusetts, I support the 2006 healthcare law that was successful in expanding coverage...."
When are we going to be able to elect a politician who will work to reform American government to what is it is supposed to be, Constitutional?
Our constitution outlines the limits of sound government: First comes from the realization that government is grossly ineffective at supplying some goods or services, and is the proper supplier of others which are both grossly unprofitable and necessary to the security of the free state. Second, Government will become abusive if entrusted with the provision of certain goods or services.
Senator Elect Scott Brown is not a Constitutional Conservative. But he is a sight better than the lunatic Communists in the Democratic Party.
The Prosecutor
"The qualities of a good prosecutor are as elusive and as impossible to
define as those which mark a gentleman. And those who need to be told would
not u...
1 month ago